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Pedrito Martinez

Pedrito Martinez

7:30 PM

92nd Street Y Live Stream


The Y is being coy as to whether this is a live performance or a canned stream of a show Pedrito Martinez did there last year.  If it's the latter, as seems likely (it's hard to imagine assembling as large an ensemble as is to be featured here under current conditions in New York), it's technically not Listable.  But Martinez is such a great musician — more than an amazing percussionist, he's a life force, someone whose music makes you feel better in a profound way — that I'm Listing this just in case.  Deep Afro-Cuban excitement and joy.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT:  I hope you have access to mint leaves, cuz with this Cuban-to-the-core music, we're drinking Mojitos:  in a highball glass, stir one (heaping) teaspoon of sugar into 1 oz. of lime juice, until the sugar has dissolved.  Then, fill a quarter of the glass with ice.  Rub mint leaves — take the amount you think you need, and then triple or quadruple it — around the rim of the glass, and then tear them in half and drop the pieces into the glass.  Stir for as long as you now wash your hands.   Then pour in 2 oz. of white Rum, almost but not quite fill the glass the glass with more ice, and pour in 1 oz. of club soda.  Stir just a little, garnish with still more mint leaves (whole sprigs this time), and PARTY!

Earlier Event: April 1
Happy Hour Hang:  Kris Davis
Later Event: April 1
Alicia Svigals