Stephen Kaliski: GLUTEN!
7:30 PM
Adjusted Realists
Funny how everything The Times complained about regarding this play about a future in which people are afraid of a toxic environment makes it now seem right on point. A reading by the original cast. (This List really likes the sophisticatedly goofy Adjusted Realists company.)
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: This play, which even its presenters tout as "jubilantly foul", seems like a good occasion for a Myra Breckinridge: pour 2 oz. Laphroaig (or other peaty) Scotch (we know from Thursday's Living Music: Pirate Radio show that at least Brad Balliett has some laying around), 3/4 oz. lime juice, and 1/4 oz. simple syrup, with 2 dashes of Absinthe, into a cocktail shaker with no ice (we call this dry-shaking), shake, and pour into a Pilsner glass or a tall glass filled with ice (preferably crushed). Now, if you used regular ice, stir (a LOT); if you used crushed ice, swizzle — which means, take a swizzle stick (now you know what they're for!), hold it between the palms of your two hands (which of course you've meticulously washed — and will wash again after you're done with this), and rotate the stick back and forth for a while until the ice has softened but not yet turned into a slush.