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devynn emory: deadbird / can anybody help me hold this body public grief alter

devynn emory: deadbird / can anybody help me hold this body public grief alter

(live adjunct on THURSDAY – SATURDAY, APRIL 1 – 3)
7:00 PM

Danspace Project Live Stream & Live Experience
Prospect Park, Brooklyn

$0-$20 (registration required)

A combination of remote and live-in-person. First, Wednesday night, devynn emory — hospice and COVID nurse as well as choreographer — presents an online film reflecting their experience of the last year (and their thoughts about the medical-industrial complex), in the form of a filmed conversation in Prospect Park between emory and a surgery mannequin. You will then receive instructions to the location of a grief alter set up in Prospect Park, where you yourself can go and reflect.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: For the remote part, Eeyore's Requiem: pour 1/2 oz. Gin, 1 oz. Vermouth Blanc, 1-1/2 oz. Campari, and 1/4 oz. each of Cynar and Fernet, with 2 dashes of orange bitters, into an ice-filled cocktail shaker. Stir. Strain into a chilled Martini glass or coupe. Before or after your visit to Prospect Park, mod Guatemalan sandwiches and plates at Ix.