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Aizuri Quartet

Aizuri Quartet

2:00 PM

Tuesday Matinees
Kaufman Music Center Stream


The exciting Aizuri Quartet used to be rising, but now I guess they've risen. This afternoon they give us contemporary pieces by Eleanor Alberga (tonal, rhythmic, wonderful to listen to — and you can sort of tell she grew up in Jamaica) and Rhiannon Giddens (classically trained blues/folk musician who doesn't prettify her blues/folk but rather demoticizes her classical). And the first (and easiest-going) of Beethoven's astonishing string of Late Quartets, in the aggregate the greatest Dead White Men music there is.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Passport: pour 1 oz. each of Campari, Vermouth Blanc, and grapefruit juice, and 1/2 oz. each of lime juice and Simple Syrup, with 1 dash of rhubarb bitters, into a Collins glass over ice. Top with club soda. Garnish with an orange wedge and some cucumber slices.

Earlier Event: March 9
Gelsey Bell & Joseph White: Meander
Later Event: March 10
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