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Steve Reich & Amy Sillman

Steve Reich & Amy Sillman

THURSDAY, MAY 13, 2021
7:30 PM

Bang on a Can / BOMB Magazine / Jewish Museum Live Stream

$10-$100 (or pay what you will)

Steve Reich thinks the Bang on a Can All-Stars are some of his best interpreters: who am I to disagree? You also get to/have to listen to Reich talking to his cousin Amy Sillman (yeah, the painter).

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: I don't usually (or ever) post cocktails I made up myself — and I haven't finished adjusting the proportions of this one yet — but this show cried out for something called the Alter Cocktail -- and since, to my astonishment, no such thing exists, I created it: pour 2 oz. aged blended Scotch, and 1/2 oz. each of Slivovitz and Grand Marnier, with 3 dashes of orange bitters, into an ice-filled cocktail shaker. Stir. Strain into a chilled Martini glass or coupe. (Don't worry: it's supposed to make you feel a little dyspeptic.)