Kronos Festival 2021
FRIDAY & SUNDAY, JUNE 11 & 13, 2021 (also on JUNE 16 & 18)
Kronos Quartet Live Stream
We skeptical Easterners have two raps against the Kronos Quartet: (1) its wirey string tone (de gustibus non est disputandum); and (2) its very Californian it's-all-good eclecticism, which at least to us grumpy Easterners can seem to verge on indiscriminacy. But you can't ignore a show, like Friday's, that features (among many many other things) new multi-media pieces by two composers this List just adores (both, one can't help noting, working in the East), Montreal's crazy-like-a-fox pop/classical surrealist Nicole Lizée and the fascinating arch-liminalist inti figgis-vizueta (the latter's piece performed by Andrew Yee — a real New York incursion!). The Sunday show is for kids, featuring things like music with animation — which makes it extremely attractive to hyper-immature superannuated adults like myself.
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Friday, a Black Manhattan (I'm a chauvinist: so shoot me): pour 2 oz. Rye and 1 oz. Averna, with 1 dash each of Angostura and orange bitters, into an ice-filled cocktail shaker. Stir. Strain into a chilled Martini glass or coupe. Garnish with a cocktail cherry.