Janessa Clark: Communion
2:00, 3:00, 4:00, 5:00 & 6:00 PM
145 6th Avenue (entrance on Dominick Street), Hudson Square, Manhattan
This is almost more interesting as a thought experiment than a performance event. Over the course of the Quarantine, HERE has been streaming remote video dance duets created by choreographer/film artist Janessa Clark from videos separately submitted by dancers in disparate locations. Now, to mark the end of the Quarantine, HERE is showing the last of the video duets Clark assembled on its Mainstage instead of streaming them. So you'll be part of a live audience — but you'll still be watching videos. This isn't an installation, as I understand it: it's a live mass viewing of a video. So the questions are: does this even make sense? Is the viewing of a video enhanced by the presence of other audience members? Is it enough that you get to get out of your apartment? Is this like a movie, where the size of the screen and the quality (or at least quantity) of the sound, superior to what you probably have at home, significantly enhance the experience? I guess you have to go to find out.
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: L.A.-style Mexican at Lupe's East L.A. Kitchen.