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Pigeonwing Dance

Pigeonwing Dance

SATURDAY & SUNDAY, JULY 10 & 11, 2021 (continuing through JULY 25)
2:00 PM, 2:30 PM, 3:00 PM, 3:30 PM, 4:00 PM & 4:30 PM

New York Botanical Garden
2900 Southern Boulevard, Fordham, Bronx

$35; $32 students/seniors; $15 children agead 2-12; free children under age 2

Gabrielle Lamb's Pigeonwing Dance may not be profound, but they sure are enjoyable. They'll be especially enjoyable dancing around Yayoi Kusuma's Cosmic Nature installation.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Just go to Red Sauce Paradise Arthur Avenue and see what looks good.