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Sydney Spann: Cow, Cow, Cow, Rabbit, Recalcitrance, Bunny, Dog, Dog, Dog


Sydney Spann: Cow, Cow, Cow, Rabbit, Recalcitrance, Bunny, Dog, Dog, Dog

8:00 PM

CPR — Center for Performance Research
361 Manhattan Avenue, Williamsburg, Brooklyn

Free ($10 suggested donation)

Sydney Spann, a really fascinating (and surprisingly listenable) sound artist, creates an installation where baby monitors are used to diffuse her usual manipulated field recordings throughout the various cells of the space, with the audience being left to figure out how it all relates. Gee, do you think this has anything to do with Spann’s years as a child care provider (which left her with the firm belief that the bourgeois nuclear family is a contested space)?

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: This venue is like a block away from neo-Cantonese/American supernova Bonnie’s. So I can’t help but send you there — even though the chances of getting in are like nill.

Earlier Event: April 20
jazzwerkstatt Festival