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Woodbine The Reservoir Issue No. 2 Release Party: C. Spencer Yeh & Kwami Winfield / Eros Tunnel / Sub Rosa


Woodbine The Reservoir Issue No. 2 Release Party: C. Spencer Yeh & Kwami Winfield / Eros Tunnel / Sub Rosa

7:00 PM

915 Wyckoff Avenue, Ridgewood, Queens


A new Ridgewood journal celebrates the publication of its second issue (I think a copy is included in your admission price). And it’s quite a celebration! C. Spencer Yeh and List idol Kwami Winfield you’re probably sick of reading about: sonic and conceptual exploration. Eros Tunnel is sort of crystalline Neo-Prog Pop that’s a lot better than Prog was back in the day (because they view Prog as a pop style rather than as a way to “improve” rock music) (imagine if post-Syd Pink Floyd understood they were still a pop band). And if Sub Rosa wanna do Punk, let them do Punk.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Neighborhood favorite slice pizza at Joe & John’s.