Parker Ramsey & Arnie Tanamito: A Golden Wire
7:00 PM
St. Paul’s Chapel, Columbia University In Person & Live Stream
1160 Amsterdam Avenue, Morningside Heights, Manhattan
I don’t know why I’m telling you this, but there was a concert here last Thursday that I had wanted to List, but then I looked at the calendar of the other St. Paul’s Chapel and didn’t see it there and figured it must have been cancelled or something. This is getting confusing! In any event, French, German, English, and German-English music for harp and gamba: sure to be easy on the ears.
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: In person, one of the most pleasurable places in New York, the Hungarian Pastry Shop. You WILL leave smiling. Streaming at home, have what I cannot resist Listing for live streams from places like here and St. Thomas and the other St. Paul’s, an Episcopal: pour 1-1/2 oz. green Chartreuse and 3/4 oz. yellow Chartreuse into an ice-filled cocktail shaker. Stir. Strain into an Old Fashioned glass over ice.