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Bob Bieleckie & David Behrman: Spindrifter / Around the Corner


Bob Bieleckie & David Behrman: Spindrifter / Around the Corner

FRIDAY – SUNDAY, JUNE 30 – JULY 1, 2023 (continuing throgh AUGUST 27)
11:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Harvestworks Art & Technology Building
Nolan Park Building 10a , Governors Island, Manhattan


Two sound installations. Spindrifter uses special recording and playback technologies developed by Bob Bielecki to create sound that is placed almost holographically. Along with recorded natural sounds are bits of the Minimalist music of David Behrman. Around the Corner invites active exploration by listeners. (You might want to wait till Saturday next [July 8] to attend this, as the artists are expected to be present that day.) (OTOH, maybe you’d prefer to be able to respond to the pieces without their being around!)

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Plenty to eat and drink on the Island, but let me give a special shout-out to the soul food from Cooking With Corey.