4:00 PM
Ursula Oppens: Schubert
1 Water Street, Fulton Ferry Landing, Brooklyn
$40/$35 seniors/$20 students & children
This List isn't usually in the business of recommending recitals consisting entirely of standard repertoire. But (a) Ursula Oppens has had a long and admirable career as a tireless advocate of New Music (and has also shown she has many provocative things to say about the standard rep); (b) if truth be known, there is no music Your Compiler loves more deeply than Schubert's; and (c) as already noted this week, listening to music on this barge off the Fulton Ferry Landing, facing onto a truly awe-inspiring view of the Lower Manhattan skyline, is its own reward.
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Pizza in New York City is complicated. Consider the tale of Patsy Gramaldi. A scion of a leading New York City pizza family that originated the legendary Patsy's Pizza in East Harlem, he was debarred from calling his own Brooklyn pizzeria Patsy's because after the death of his uncle, the original Patsy, his aunt sold the "Patsy's" name to outsiders, who proceeded to turn the business into a chain (while permitting longtime employees to continue to operate the original East Harlem locationindependently under the "Patsy's" name). So Grimaldi changed the name of the pizzeria he operated independently in Brooklyn, near the Fulton Ferry Landing, from Patsy's to Grimaldi's following a lawsuit by the rights owners. Eventually, Grimaldi decided to sell the business and retire -- including the "Grimaldi's" name. His purchasers opened a new Grimaldi's up the street (abandoning the coal pizza oven in the original location). So when Patsy decided to come out of retirement and reopen a pizzeria in his old space, he couldn't call it "Patsy's" or "Grimaldi's". Instead he he named it Juliana's, after his mother (the original Patsy's sister). The important thing is that this place is MUCH better than the current Grimaldi's (for one thing, this place -- unlike current Grimaldi's -- has a coal oven) (for another, it has Patsy Grimaldi). In the wake of the Neapolitan pizza revolution in New York over the last several years, it has become fashionable to dis Patsy Grimaldi's pies. But really, even if not as great as the very top neo-Neapolitans, they're quite quite good -- especially if you grew up on the kind of New York-style pizza at which Patsy Grimaldi excels.
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Earlier Event: July 28
Jenny Q Chai: Sonorous Brushes
Later Event: July 30
Edouardo Jordan: JuneBaby Pop-Up