Bologne, Chevalier de Saint-Georges: The Anonymous Lover
8:00 PM
LA Opera Stream
Free (registration required)
Joseph Bologne, Chevalier de Saint-Georges, was one of the greatest violinists, swordsmen, composers, and conductors in late 18th Century Europe. He's the guy who, for example, commissioned and conducted the premieres of Haydn's Paris Symphonies. He was deprived of eminence — forced out of positions he was excelling at, eventually being forgotten by history — because he was Black. This comic opera is generally considered his masterpiece — not that anyone ever gets a chance to hear it. Until tonight.
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Air Mail: pour 2 oz. golden Rum (Puerto Rican by preference), 1/2 oz. lime juice, and 1 teaspoon honey into an ice-filled cocktail shaker. Shake. Pour (UNstrained) into a Collins glass over ice. Top with Champagne.